Birds and the Bees

One of my favorite springtime activities is watching all the little Chickadees that frequent our bird feeder. So inspired by all the little Chickadees here, I made this cute little felt version. I was as happy as the Chickadees when I discovered that the little Lilac tree I've had in a container on the deck for 4 years started blooming this spring! Of course, they are too small to cut and I am sure the whole plant could use some TLC since it just wintered over as is, but this little Lilac tree has given me hope that wherever it might end up this summer will continue to thrive and bloom in the future. For those of you that follow me on Instagram you might have seen that I am working on a new pattern called The Hotel of Bees Shawl. The pattern consists of sections that resemble honeycomb, and little bees like in the photo ...